Our publication ‘Another Provision: food justice and communal infrastructures of care’ features texts about personal experiences with food injustice, about experiments for communal support systems, and about visions for more just urban food futures.

In the summer of 2021 we ran a participatory workshop with the National Food Service London which explored the trajectories of food histories and futures. We looked at the journeys our meals have taken via migration, global supply chains, and within the city, and considered the routes to a more just and sustainable food system. The text-based outputs from this workshop will contribute to a cross-over publication including poetry, accessible research-based content, and visions for just food futures articulated by people experiencing food poverty.

Another Provision: food justice and communal infrastructures of care
48 Pages
soft cover
ISBN: 978-1-3999-2180-0
London, 2022

available at
Freedom Press, London
Marres Bookstore, Maastricht

To order this book for £8 (incl. UK shipping) or €10 (incl. NL shipping) please contact us




